When I was reading about friendship this morning I read this quote by Maya Angelou "We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color." I spent the evening with four friends last night, most of whom I haven't seen for quite awhile. In fact, the last time we spent a good chunk of time together was two years ago when we celebrated my 50th birthday. It was more than just a girls birthday weekend; it was a spiritual retreat where we looked deep into our souls and talked about God as we celebrated life and friendships.
I love the diversity of these and other friendships. And I am so grateful that the older I get, the more comfortable I become in who I am. I am not nearly so worried about what people think about me (isn't that what you do in your teens, 20s and 30s?). I am comfortable in my own skin; I am willing to speak what I'm thinking and not fret about it for hours afterwards. I also am less about trying to put people in a box and think they should be something they're not. These four women are so different. One has been wrestling with God and the persona that the modern-day evangelical church places on people; another was on a two-year journey to find a different place to worship after rumblings of discontent, only to return to our local place of worship. Another has recently had her second reconstructive surgery in an effort to help her body and self image. We all have our "stuff". And what a colorful conversation we had. Celebrating life...questioning....pressing....laughing. Diversity at its finest.
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