Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carbs or no Carbs

  Seriously, read the magazines and you will be so confused on whether you should be eating high protein, no protein, vegan, vegetarian, complex carbs - what in the world.   And as this body gets older the plain and simple truth is I just can't tolerate some of the things I used to. 
  Recently I've been having acupuncture on a severe bout of  bilateral lateral epicondylitis - best known as tennis elbow.   This has been ongoing since about March when my desire to "be in" with the city's trend of kickboxing got the best of me.   Punching bags to relieve my frustration felt good internally but externally it wreaked havoc with my knees and elbows.  I gave up that; gave up heavy weights, got mad because it wasn't making any difference so started playing tennis this summer and of course it got worse. I've I've tried multiple modalities hoping acupuncture will work.
  At any rate, the acupuncturist gave me some very interesting nutritional information.  Nutrition is vital and acupuncture will be more effective if the body is detoxing as well.  And reading how the Chinese people eat, so much of it makes sense.  Now I've been incorporating much more tea into my daily routine.  I never have been a huge coffee drinker but was told that even drinking water never truly hydrates you and gives you the nutrients you need through fluids.  The Chinese also believe that your food should be warm - that it's easier on your spleen to have your food be warm so the spleen doesn't have to work so hard.  So rather than eating cold vegetables and juicing it's better to steam them (not in a microwave because microwaves irradiate all the nutrients).   I steamed broccoli, carrots and cauliflower yesterday, added some spinach and diced chicken and a little peanut sauce.   Drank my mangosteen team and I have to say - it was pretty tasty.  
  I've been drinking tea now for nearly a week; but this weekend Starbucks' creme brulee lattes come out and how in the world can I resist one of these when the wind is howling and the cold is beckoning me to something more tasty?  More tasty and laden with sugar and stuff that's not good for you?  Ugh.......
  Oh - want to read more?  Here's an interesting link:

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