My mind has been all over the place the past 3 days, as so many have. It's hard to concentrate when the TV news, the tweets, the facebook posts and the papers are laden with the stories from the tragedy in Newtown, CT. The tears keep falling as we grieve for those families.
For me a prevailing theme has carried through in this tragedy and also in another recent tragedy here in Iowa. FORGIVENESS. Three times in just two weeks I hear parents and a sibling of those who have lost loved ones implore us to forgive.
A grieving mom, Heather Collins, says "we forgive whoever did this but they still have to meet justice." Sweet Emily Parker died in Newton and her dad Robbie Parker says to pray for the family of the young man who killed all these children and teachers--he portrays forgiveness. And in an interview on Fox News, Craig Scott, the brother of Jessica Scott who was murdered in the Columbine tragedy shares how the only way he and his family were able to move on was through forgiving. He shared how he lived with depression and a great deal of anger and finally realized that he had to forgive. To forgive as Christ forgave. I remember reading a book called "The Shack" several years ago. If you haven't read it you should--I remember giving it to several people who were struggling with bitterness and anger from past wounds. The prevailing message in this book was also about forgiveness. I remember a statement that said "forgiveness is letting go of the other person's throat" and "forgiveness is more about what it will do for you, not the other person." I wonder if I have always forgiven as easily as what these people have? I wonder if there are still grudges and feelings of unforgiveness that lurk within me? Am I harboring anything towards anyone? It certainly is a question I am asking again in the midst of watching people like Heather & Drew Collins, Robbie Parker, and Craig Scott who have lost loved ones in such horrific tragedies. The grudges and things I might be harboring are so very minor, and yet I know how grudges and unforgiveness can control me; and I see it destroy so many people. Two friends very close to me chose to forgive. Kevin Jansma forgave the man who killed his young wife when he was driving drunk. Janelle Allen forgave the man who was driving drunk and killed her mom and sister. Some of her siblings still live with anger from not forgiving; she lives in freedom; so does KJ.
MATTHEW 6:12 "Forgive our sins as we have forgiven those who sin against us."
MARK 11:25 "When you are praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too." God's word meant to guide us and give us freedom.
"Father God, I have not always been quick to forgive but when I have I experience freedom and peace. How I pray that we, your children, will be the ultimate example of forgiveness instead of bitterness and anger. Use me, use us to show YOU to this broken, angry world." AMEN
What a month! It's been a month filled with lots of ups and downs, all starting with a beautiful advent event at St. Marks Lutheran Church in West Des Moines. What an amazing night with beautifully decorated tables. The evening was a challenge for me to get through as we had just learned that my father-in-law had passed away that day after a two year battle with cancer but what struck me as I was preparing final thoughts on my talk was that even in the midst of the unknown Mary and Elizabeth CHOSE JOY; and I could do the same. A week later I shared my heart at Hope West Des Moines' Womens Christmas Brunch. Another gorgeous event with decorations and food that were outstanding, not to mention beautiful worship by "The Girl Band". What fun to sit by a new friend, Mary Stier, who is the Director of Womens Ministry. Mary has a heart as big as Texas as some say; and it shone through in this event. How I thank her for letting me be a part of their special celebration.
PRC Wrapping Project
Last week it was sharing at our Prairie Ridge "Life Together" monthly womens gathering where afterwards all the women wrapped gifts together for a service project to help our Creative Arts Director, Derek Pine. What fun to watch women join together to serve--laughter, tears, pouring out their hearts--talking about "choosing joy" in the midst of the Christmas season.
One of the prevailing points I was trying to make is that JOY IS A CHOICE and that too often we let the circumstances of life steal or joy and we live joyless rather than joyful. I was heading into Walgreens just a few days ago to pick up a prescription - feeling absolutely rotten, yet reflecting on the very words I had been encouraging women with for 3 weeks. JOY - JOY - JOY.....not the same as happiness, because I was not at all happy that I'd been feeling so crummy for the major part of a month. I also was wearing somewhat of a heavy heart over the loss of my husband's dad, two friends who had just lost their dads, the recent news of two little girls whose bodies had been found after disappearing 6 months ago. But I also had a peace and contentment that only comes from the joy of the Lord. Psalm 43:4 says "there I will go to the altar of God, to God--the source of all my joy." As I was wrapped in my own thoughts a young woman at the photo counter stopped me and grabbed my hand. "You spoke at my church last week, and I just want you to know how much that blessed me and how badly I needed to hear what you had to say." A big smile came across her face, and mine as well. "Thank you I replied.: So many of you have said that same thing--"I needed to hear that." That's my constant prayer--that God will use what's on my heart to bless someone else's heart.
I walked away praising God, knowing that truly HIS JOY this Christmas season is MY JOY. And today I'm singing that - how can you not smile when you sing this song! Sing it with joy.
I woke up this morning and as usual ventured to the kitchen to heat up my neck wrap (thank you BeautiControl for this wonderful gel wrap that warms me up every morning) and decided to check my email. I've been doing that more regularly than usual as my father-in-law is under Hospice care and my mother-in-law has been communicating updates to us in that manner. Anyway, my inbox was laden with Cyber Monday emails. EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE is having a sale today. And of course, this means if you have any money left after spending it at all the Black Friday sales! Obviously these sales also benefit me. As a small business owner and a consultant with BeautiControl for over 22 years I sent out my email to clients as well encouraging them to shop. And sometimes I feel badly sending them the email. "Spend some more money!! Shop with me!"......
I enjoy this time of year--I really do. And the past several years I didn't even look at the ads. But this year I found myself getting caught up in all the ads, wondering about all the pleasures I've missed out on by not having certain items. "What if" I had a donut maker? Wouldn't it be fun to not have to roll and cut the dough and then deep fat fry them? Would my waist appreciate baked donuts rather than fried ones? And what about that awesome deal on the Kitchen Aid unit? How in the world can I have survived for 35 years of marriage without one? Now they are such a great deal!! Not to mention all the tremendous clothing sales and opportunities to shop on-line today. How can I resist? One awesome offer is calling my name. It's the beckoning of God's Spirit offer to just sit and spend a little extra time with my Father this morning. As a musician and speaker December is full so the early morning "coffee or tea" appointments with God become even more important. I spent a lot of years of my life running at break neck speed decorating, shopping, planning and being involved in worship services, and helping everyone who was in need. And those are all good things. Oswald Chambers says it well. "Our greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him."
How thankful I am for my early morning dates with God. After you're finished on the computer today sit down with a cup of your favorite warm drink and "drink in" God's Word. Then for a fun, meaningful family project for advent take scriptures from the Bible and put them on a piece of paper and then chain together and hang on your tree. For some ideas on scriptures you can use link to this site:
Love this time of year! Okay, I confess the warm weather here in Iowa this fall has been spectacular but I am ready for cooler weather because along with cooler weather comes CROCKPOTS. Love crockpots because you get to mix a hodge podge of ingredients early in the morning and let the awesome smells and flavors simmer all day long. One of my favorite recipes is this one for white chicken chili. Okay, it may not be the most healthy but you can substitute Greek yogurt for the sour cream and use carrots instead of the corn! I'm all about substitutes.
And speaking of simmering.....I was told along time ago that our relationship with God was sort of like a crockpot. You can try microwaving your relationship and your time with God but it's nothing like what happens when you put something in a crockpot and slowcook it. I gave my life to Christ when I was 19 years old and it's been a long, beautiful journey. I've been simmering for a long time--and God willing, have lots of years left to "stew". God's not done with me yet! Need to run - time with God started at 5 a.m. this morning and now my crockpot is calling me to make soup for this cold rainy Iowa day. Maybe I'll try this recipe today. Looks yummy!
Do you ever get totally lost in something? You know, there is something that so captures your heart or your attention that you get totally lost in it? That's kind of how I feel about fall in Iowa. I get SO LOST in the beauty of fall weather and in the thought that in just a few short weeks all the leaves are going to be gone and they'll be replaced by snow that I have a tendency to sometimes be unproductive. I want to be outdoors relishing in those last warm days. I want to be out just sitting in my back yard. The hard part is that I am self-employed, and I need to work for a living and I can't spend every daylight hour outdoors.
Today I set about getting my "to do" list done and if I get it done then I can head outdoors for just a bit. I'm going to take some more pictures of trees like these.
After all this I'm going to spend some time writing on my deck because I need a little creative outlet this afternoon, and these fall afternoons beckon me to sit on my deck and enjoy my backyard just a bit.
It's amazing how much we can procrastinate on our list. A friend this weekend told me she sometimes gets so paralyzed with all the things she needs to do that she doesn't even begin. I find that with a lot of women. Pretty soon they're spending all their time on Facebook, in chat rooms, reading blogs, and poking around in Pinterest that an entire day is gone before they ever really were productive. So this is how I reward myself. Tackle the "to do" list and then reward myself with the other things I "want" to do. You might try it. Get your list done today and then go out and enjoy this gorgeous day; or bake a batch of this yummy muffins and treat your family tonight!
Behind every great woman is a wonderful least that's what I think. How I respect my mom. She taught me lots of things in life--how to cook, how to sew (not always very patiently!!), how to flower garden, how to be kind and respectful to people, how to serve others. And as we all know sometimes it takes a lot of years before we truly appreciate all they did and continue to do for us. We got to celebrate my mom's 75th birthday this past weekend. We laughed as families do when you start reminiscing, and we enjoyed time together that is much too rare given we don't live in the same town. My sister-in-law Karla suggested we start doing "Christmas in September" so that we can have a good crew here and not stress everyone out so much in December. We're all pretty excited about it, and it just took one brave soul to suggest it.
So very blessed to have a wonderful family. I'm looking forward to lots more "Christmases in September" - besides, after you eat all day long you can go take a very long walk in September. That doesn't work so well in December in Iowa!
I'm heading to northern Iowa today to talk to a womens group. Several churches coming together to share together, and I get to speak and share a little worship. When I was trying to figure out what to share to this group of primarily "older" women what God's Spirit whispered to me was that I needed to teach about how we make a difference--young & old alike. The cool thing is that I got to see that first hand last weekend when we celebrated the birthday of my dear friend and a neighbor we lived next door to for 17 years. Marcie was an amazing neighbor and still is. Every year she plants this unbelievable garden. Now mind you, she lives by herself; she is 80 years old (although she doesn't like you to know that); and she's been planting a garden for years. Oh and yes, I forgot to mention that she just quit working as a full-time legal secretary after 50 years! The garden planting happened even while she was working full-time.
All of us who lived near to her reaped the harvest of her beautiful produce by receiving jars of canned goods: beets, beans, tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, pickles and more. She gave it away - she always had an abundance and always shared it so willingly with all of us as well as other friends and family. She gave away her love by sharing her garden produce with us. She made a difference in my life and in the life of our family all those years we lived by her. She was more than a neighbor! So as I was finalizing my talk I thought "you know, why is it that people want to make a difference? What is it that gives Christ followers that desire?" And I came to the conclusion that it's what Marcie does. She gives away LOVE through her garden produce.
And isn't that what Christ did for us? He gave away his love to us! I love that. John 15:13 says "greater love hath no man than he who would lay down his life for his friends." Giving it away.
I want to be like Marcie. Unfortunately, I am not a huge gardener so I'll never be able to give away the kind of produce that she does. But I can give away love - and I can give it away freely out of gratefulness for what Christ did for me. I pray I can give away my love today by sharing with these ladies.
So many broken, hurting people. That's not a revelation. My heart hurt this weekend hearing of lost lives in tornadoes around the Midwest. My heart hurt as I prayed with many, many women at a retreat I spoke at. Heavy hearts. Wounded hearts. Women living with so much pain. Sometimes I feel so helpless wondering what in the world I can do. But I remember God is Able and to cast my cares to Him because He loves them much more than I ever can. So I pray, and I pray, and I pray. ROMANS 8:26 says "we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words." That's how I'm praying today.